TmL WiLl Be BeTtEr

~LoVe The WoRD PAMPER~ *~hopE to be PaMpEreD~* ~LoVe To Be PaMpEreD~* ~DeSirE To Be PaMpErEd~*

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I always thought BBoys was like imitation moves of the opponent team (Like what's in audition), but actually not. There's this bboys competition outside Cine last night, 3 in a team, each person was given abt 1 min to dance. Quite an eye opening event for me, coz i got to see all the headspins, flips, turns, kicks, freezes, team moves blah blah blah.... that i always see in audition in real life. So we actually stood there 3 hrs to watch the whole competition.

There was this bitch there trying to squeeze in front of me to watch the compe, with that amount of space the MOST la, only can fit her lower arm. Den not successful in squeezing, she took out a cigarette n happily smoke there. In the crowd lor with kids everywhere.. SuXs