TmL WiLl Be BeTtEr

~LoVe The WoRD PAMPER~ *~hopE to be PaMpEreD~* ~LoVe To Be PaMpEreD~* ~DeSirE To Be PaMpErEd~*

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Today....... My brother POP~~

After 9 months of intensive training, he's finally out.. Corporal now..
While waiting for the badge pinning ceremony, there was this performance under the water.. We get to see the performance through this window panel which was under water... My mum took this!! Not me.

He's 1 out of the few who was awarded. I think we look tiny beside him.

After the ceremony,when we were stuffing food, i saw him standing on top!.. Quickly grab my camera n snap... Just after this shot... BOOM!! He jumped! and landed in the pool below....

Too fast... Didn't manage to snap it.. Wasted!
This should be 2 storey high.....
The feeling is weird... Imagine.. like not long ago...
This little boy attended swimming lesson with me, and was always struggling. I always help him through or keep an eye on him even during swimming lesson..
But now......
Aiyoo.. I feel old.