TmL WiLl Be BeTtEr

~LoVe The WoRD PAMPER~ *~hopE to be PaMpEreD~* ~LoVe To Be PaMpEreD~* ~DeSirE To Be PaMpErEd~*

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Super Shack...

Work OT OT n OT.... everyday work from 8.30am to 8pm... my whole body ache like hell after working 11 1/2 hrs for 2 consecutive days... still hav 2 more daysss to go~~ b4 weekend... Sian..

I always damn sway, everyday bring umbrella except today... n it was pouring at ard 7+ when i am abt to finish work.. Lucky today dear dear come fetch me with his big big umbrella if not dunno how to go home sia...

My 1st Opera in Esplanade`~!~!~!~! Watched Phantom last Sunday~~ It was fabulous~ Superb~ Nice~~!! Props were incredible.. the guns, lamps, lightings, moveable stage, blah blah blah.... and not to forget the Chandelier~! makes the show so real.. there were this scene where the phantom flared, n drop the chandelier frm a great height abv the audience... It REALLY drop lor!!! until almost hit the front seat ppl, it was pulled quickly to the stage... Damn real..... but a pity is the singing was not as GrEAT as the original cast... though we expected that, still a little disappointed.

I MuST comment on the lead actress man... She Damn ugly lor, when she sings together with phantom, her voice is like totally covered... But still pei fu her la... she can reach high high pitch.... Though the cast is not as handsome n pretty as those in the movie... I still enjoyed myself alot alot...