TmL WiLl Be BeTtEr

~LoVe The WoRD PAMPER~ *~hopE to be PaMpEreD~* ~LoVe To Be PaMpEreD~* ~DeSirE To Be PaMpErEd~*

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Very BuSy~!

Don't believe? lets see....

Busy working, doing assignment, finding jobs, going dw to interview, chalet, shopping, go out play play with bf, entertaining heart-brokened friend, meeting up with OLD friend, eat, slp.

Now believe I am real busy??? Irritating TING Bunch of gays, stop think that i am always doing things that is secretive, illegal or immoral that can't be disclosed here... that is NOT TRUE.

Went for my longest interview ever yesterday, the whole session from step in to office to step out of it took 1 hr 30 mins!!! Was BOmBArDED by tonnes of qns, crap my way thru~~ Tada~~ they arranged me for 2nd interview.

Watched Pirates~~ nice nice. A pity, I didn't like the ending.

Looking forward to getting my laptop on friday~ :)
Hoping to get a job with same working hr as dear.
Can't wait to get my pay tml.
Craving for Japanese Buffet~~ 10 plates of SaSHiMi. :D~~
Sales EVERYWHERE~~ I want Shopping~~